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Call for Proposal

Call for Proposal


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UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, an international development agency, invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for the selection of an Implementing Partner on Youth Entrepreneurship Support Interventions.




Implementing Partner on Youth Entrepreneurship Support Interventions in Mongolia


4 (four) years until 31 December 2021



Issue date:               

15 October 2018

Deadline date:

31 October, 10:00 am hours Ulaanbaatar time



In 2018-2021, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is implementing the “Integrated Support Programme for Women and Young People’s Health In Umnugobi” jointly funded by the Gobi Oyu Development Support Fund (DSF), Government of Mongolia, Embassy of Australia, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO, and implemented by the Umnugobi provincial government, UNFPA, UNICEF, and WHO. The aim is to tackle the critical and emerging health and social issues in the province affecting the health and well-being of women and young people.

As part of the integrated programme, UNFPA is also implementing the second phase of the OT-funded “Accentuating the Positive: Youth for Development” project in Khanbogd soum, which will continue to support the development of young people through various targeted interventions, including entrepreneurship promotion. The good practices generated in phase 1 of the project demonstrated the potential of youth entrepreneurship in improving the quality of life for young people as well as for identifying innovative solutions for the development of the community. The above integrated programme includes a series of activities to boost the existing and emerging youth-led social enterprises and initiatives in Umnugobi province, with focus on Khanbogd soum.

The purpose of the Invitation for Proposals is to identify eligible non-governmental organizations for prospective partnership with UNFPA Mongolia Country Office to support achievement of results outlined in the 2017-2021 6th Country Programme, specifically related to youth entrepreneurship support.


The selected organization that can conduct interventions on youth entrepreneurships in Umnugobi province, with focus on Khanbogd soum, will work with UNFPA to contribute to the achievement of the Integrated Programme objectives in general, and the following objectives more specifically:

Outcome 5. Adolescent and youth are empowered and participate in youth policy and decision-making platforms

Output 5.3. Youth entrepreneurships promoted including start-ups and herder groups.  

The selected implementing partner will work closely with the relevant parties for the implementation of the assigned areas of the integrated programme. All of the implementation processes will be carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations of UNFPA.


  • A systematic 4 year plan for youth, including herder youth, entrepreneurship promotion in Umnugobi province, with focus on Khanbogd soum, based on sound evidence and locally applicable solutions to be developed; 
  • A series of inclusive youth entrepreneurship/social entrepreneurship support interventions (including provision of tools, skills and training activities), jointly with local authorities, including youth development centers;
  • At least 32 grants provided to youth enterprises /social enterprises in 2018-2021, based on fair and transparent selection, with special attention to inclusiveness, with a significant success rate of having achieved at least 50% of the planned sales within the 6 months, and at least 2 jobs created for young people;
  • At least 12 grants provided to young herders’ groups/start-ups in 2018-2021, based on fair and transparent selection, with special attention to inclusiveness, with a significant success rate of having achieved at least 50% of the planned sales within the 6 months, and at least 2 jobs created for young people;
  • Regular mentorship and coaching, as well as networking with potential sponsors/funding sources, and support services;
  • Regular monitoring and reporting to UNFPA of the progress and results of the interventions; and
  • Regular media communication and advocacy interventions to promote and ensure sustainability of the interventions, including for entrepreneurship eco system building


  • Holds legal NGO status and officially registered in the relevant authorities; 
  • Does not act as an intermediary body in the Project, but as a direct implementer for the preparation, management and implementation of the project proposed;
  • Employs a sufficient number of staff with relevant educational and professional background. Staff experience should be well documented; 
  • Adequate financial management (review of audited financial statements for the past three years of operation); and
  • Reference checking


Interested NGOs are encouraged to visit UNFPA Mongolia website located at http://mongolia.unfpa.org and its social media sites for downloadable templates. Please submit the following documents in hard copy to UN reception at address provided below:

  • Full legal name and address of applying institution and organizational brochure
  • Copy of valid legal registration in the country
  • Copy of audited financial statements for the past three years
  • Short description of institutional and management capacity and existing operations in the subject matter areas including their duration (no more than 3 pages, Arial 10 font);
  • Technical proposal against the areas identified in this TOR and strategies how they would carry out the project activities.


Contact person: Ms. P.Altantuya, Administrative Assistant

UNFPA Mongolia Country Office (Floor 4), UN House, UN Street 14, Sukhbaatar District, Post Office 46, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 14201

Tel: 976-11-353503, extension 3353; Fax: 976-11-353502

Email: altantuya@unfpa.org