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RFQ-22-001 - Provision of professional cleaning and maintenance service for UN house

RFQ-22-001 - Provision of professional cleaning and maintenance service for UN house


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The Mongolia Country Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, is inviting prospective companies, interested entities to submit proposals to below Request for Quotation.


UNFPA Mongolia Country Office of behalf of UN in Mongolia

Procurement process

Request for Quotation (RFQ)

Procurement ID


Development area

Professional service

Brief description of required service

Provision of professional cleaning and maintenance service for UN house for one (1) year and for the additional duration of two (2) years.

Posted date      

January 17th, 2022

Prep-Bid meeting

January 24th, 2022, at 11:00 AM (meeting link: meet.google.com/iwh-aiqk-tnt)


January 31st, 2022:00 11:00 AM, (GMT+8; Ulaanbaatar time)


The detailed information can be found in the Request for Quotation UNFPA/MNG/RFQ/22/001 which is available above.The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Mongolia on behalf of UN common service is seeking a local institution/legal entity for provision of cleaning and maintenance service for UN house for one (1) year and (for the additional duration of two (2) more years. 

For preparing the technical and financial proposals, the bidders are strongly advised to examine the bid documents (RFQ document and ToR) which are available above.

Proposals must be submitted via e-mail before January 31st, 2022 at 11:00 AM (Ulaanbaatar time) through the following email address: procurement@unfpa.org.mn

Incomplete and late submissions will be excluded from further consideration!


UNFPA reserves the right to accept or reject, in part or whole, any or all of the proposals at any time without assigning any reason. Only successful bidder will be contacted. 


If you have any question or clarification, please send your inquiry through batsuuri@unfpa.org or contact with us.


UN House, UN Street 14, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 14201

Tel: 976-11-353503, extension 3355; Cellphone: 88005043