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Individual Consultant for Youth Development Project Endline

Individual Consultant for Youth Development Project Endline



The Mongolia Country Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, is inviting prospective individuals to provide consultancy services.


Individual Consultant for Youth Development Project Endline


From 1 January 2018 until 30 June 2018



Issue date:               

21 November 2017

Deadline date:

05 December 2017, 10:00 am hours Ulaanbaatar time

The Youth Development Programme (YDP) (2013-2017) funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Government of Luxembourg, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and jointly implemented by the Government of Mongolia and UNFPA, has been delivered for four years with the aim to build the resilience of young women and men, reduce their vulnerabilities to gender-based violence, unplanned pregnancies, STIs and HIV, and increase their capacity to benefit from Mongolia’s rapid socio-economic change, particularly related to intensified extractive industries.
UNFPA Mongolia conducted the baseline study in 2015 to set the base for the key indicators and conduct a qualitative assessment of the situation. In 2016, the mid-term evaluation of the Youth Development project was carried out to assess the extent of the progress that the project had made for each interventions and review the implementation modalities.
The end evaluation is scheduled to be carried out between 1 December 2017 and 30 April 2018, and a national institution will be contracted to conduct the end evaluation of the project. The end evaluation aims at analyzing the results and the specific objectives reached at the time of the evaluation, compared to what had been anticipated in the Project Document and identifying the lessons learned and providing recommendations for future Projects in the same field.
In order to ensure high quality and smooth operation of this evaluation, UNFPA Mongolia is now looking for a national consultant who will be tasked to support the local research institute in data collection, analysis and report writing.  

Description of services required

  • Support the work of the selected research institute, esp by ensuring the provision of project-related documents including AWPs, annual reports, baseline report and MTR report;
  • Play a role of liaison between the selected research institute and UNFPA Mongolia including sharing of key evaluation findings to UNFPA Country Office and relevant stakeholders in a timely matter, preparing for a validation workshop, and supporting the process of drafting the report;
  • Ensure that the comments and feedback received from stakeholders during the validation workshop are fully incorporated into the final report; 
  • Support the production of the end evaluation report in collaboration with the research institute and UNFPA Mongolia; and
  • To ensure that all the evaluation criteria are used during the analysis.
  • Support and conduct visits to project sites to assess the progress of institutionalisation and sustainability of the key outcomes of the Youth Development Project;
  • Provide technical support to the Implementing Partners on sustainability of the project M&E working group through meetings and training;
  • Provide technical assistance to Implementing Partners on institutionalization of the project M&E functions; 
  • Ensure timely provision of accurate data for the project final report;
  • Monitor the implementation of the final project phase at YDCs, LSEHs and AYFHCs; and
  • Support the sustainability of web-based monitoring and reporting system.

Qualifications and requirements

  • Advanced degree (Masters) from a recognized academic institution in development studies, social science, public health, youth work or related field;
  • At least 3 years’ experience  in conducting  project/programme evaluations and/or mid-term reviews, including practical field experience;
  • Experience in Mongolia, particularly in youth development is desirable;
  • Experience of working with United Nations and engaging with government and ministries preferably in Mongolia or similar context is desirable. Experience with UNFPA as added advantage;
  • Specialization on monitoring and evaluation is required;
  • Preferably more than 3 years of progressively responsible professional work in field of monitoring and evaluation with a particular focus and experience working with the UN system;
  • Experience of data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative especially familiarity with quantitative data analysis techniques, traceable record of producing reports of excellent quality;
  • Prior experience of working with UN agencies is desirable;
  • Fluency in oral and written English;
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills;
  • Knowledge and understanding of youth development, sexual and reproductive health is desirable

Interested individuals are encouraged to download templates. Please submit your application consisting of below documents in hard copy to UN reception at address provided below, or send your application electronically to dedicated email inbox of procurement@unfpa.org.mn.


Please note that this consultancy is open to nationals of Mongolia only. Kindly note that incomplete applications will be automatically disqualified.

Contact person: Mr. M. Tumur, UNFPA Operations Analyst a.i.
UNFPA Mongolia Country Office (Floor 4)
UN House, UN Street 14, Sukhbaatar District, Post Office 46, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 14201
Tel: 976-11-353503, extension 3355; Fax: 976-11-353502
Email: mend@unfpa.org