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UNFPA/MNG/RFP/25/001 Long Term Agreement for cleaning and maintenance service for UN house in Mongolia

UNFPA/MNG/RFP/25/001 Long Term Agreement for cleaning and maintenance service for UN house in Mongolia


UNFPA Mongolia is seeking qualified bids for the provision of "Long Term Facility cleaning and maintenance services for UN compounds in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia". Your company is hereby invited to submit your best Technical and Financial Bids for the requested services. 

Your Technical Bid and Financial Bid in emails should be submitted electronically through separate emails to procurement@unfpa.org.mn 

Do not submit Bid documents to any other email address, sending the Bid any other email address, including as a carbon copy (cc), will violate confidentiality and result in the invalidation of the Bid!

Any questions relating to the Bid process and/or to the attached documents shall be sent to Mr. Tsetsenbaatar Batsuuri at email: batsuuri@unfpa.org

UNFPA posts all Bids notices, clarifications, minutes of bidders' conference and results in the United Nations Global Marketplace.


If Interested: https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/259638