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RFQ-2020-002 Professional service for Development of Family planning virtual coach

RFQ-2020-002 Professional service for Development of Family planning virtual coach


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The Mongolia Country Office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), an international development agency, is inviting prospective individuals to provide consultancy services.

Professional service:

Development of Chat bot, a virtual coach that can work as personalized guide, for improvement of Family Planning counseling service in Mongolia


The Professional Service contract is expected to complete by end of September 2020

Issue date:

March 23, 2020


April 6, 2020, 10:00 am (GMT+8)

Specific responsibilities:
The main purpose of the consultancy is to develop a fully functional conversational bot as a FB–Messenger based virtual guide that can work as personalized guide with application of advanced natural language processing (NLP) in Mongolian language, live agent function and user segmentation. The specific objectives of the consultancy will focus on the following areas:

  1. To build up to 90 % accuracy of intent recognition and synonyms with application of advanced NLP
  2. Live conversation demo (speech to text)
  3. Customer segmentation and chat analytics
  4. The bot (platform) should be installed to the dedicated server at NCMCH.

The minimum requirement for the service provider

This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to perform in the country, or through an authorized representative. However, the service provider should fulfill the below mandatory requirements. Hereto:

  1. To be a legal entity that has at least 2 years of experience in development of advanced level chat bots with artificial intelligence module;
  2. To have proven evidence of successfully completed similar assignments;
  3. To have sufficient financial and human resource capacity to complete the service timely and efficient manner.


The Interested entities are encouraged to thoroughly examine the RFQ documents including its Terms of Reference of the assignment, which can be found in UNFPA Mongolia website (https://mongolia.unfpa.org/en/call-for-submissions) under the same title or the reference: UNFPA/MNG/RFQ/20/002 – Family planning virtual coach.

Please duly follow the instruction of RFQ in submitting your proposal.

Contact person: B.Tsetsenbaatar, E-mail: batsuuri@unfpa.org
UNFPA Mongolia Country Office
Floor 4, UN House, UN Street 14, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 14201
Tel: 976-11-353503, extension 3355