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UNFPA Mongolia COVID-19 SitRep #9 January 1 - 31 2021

UNFPA Mongolia COVID-19 SitRep #9 January 1 - 31 2021
UNFPA Mongolia COVID-19 SitRep #9 January 1 - 31 2021


UNFPA Mongolia

Number of pages



Chimedlkham Ganbaatar


UNFPA Mongolia COVID-19 SitRep #9 January 1 - 31 2021

Publication date

28 February 2021

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January has seen successes and challenges in the on-going fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in Mongolia, as well as political turmoil with the resignation of Mongolian Prime Minister Khurelsukh Ukhnaa and his cabinet in January 2021, amid protests that started with anger over the handling of a specific COVID-19 patient and her baby and quickly turned into demands for press freedom and the right to assembly, along with overall dissatisfaction about the government’s handling of COVID-19 – mainly the country’s lockdown. On 27 January, Parliament appointed Mr. Oyun-Erdene as the 32nd Prime Minister of Mongolia and on 29 January, the Prime Minister formed his new Cabinet.