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This evaluation report was prepared by Dr. Piotr Pawlak (independent senior gender expert), supported by Dr. Tsetsegsaikhan Batmunkh (national gender consultant) and Nandinchimeg Magsar (national gender consultant), and bolstered by the generous advice and shared expertise of the United Nations Population Fund Country Office Mongolia with the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
This evaluation report is the result of a rich and fruitful contribution of a diverse group of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders involved in the 2nd phase of the Combating Gender-based Violence project who generously shared their time, knowledge, expertise and experiences throughout the evaluation process. The insights provided by direct implementing partners of the project, as well as those organizations and institutions that received direct technical and financial support from the project to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in Mongolia, were invaluable, and contributed to the strength and usefulness of the evaluation. We extend our gratitude to all the interviewees, and to all the women and men engaged in the CGBV Project. We are also immensely grateful to, and dedicate this evaluation to those who strive to end GBV in Mongolia and around the world.