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UN Population Fund and the National Police Agency Launch Integrated Database on Gender-Based Violence

UN Population Fund and the National Police Agency Launch Integrated Database on Gender-Based Violence


UN Population Fund and the National Police Agency Launch Integrated Database on Gender-Based Violence

calendar_today 06 April 2018

ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia – In 2017, the National Police Agency reported 1,120 people were affected by domestic violence. Out of the 1,120 victims, 936 were injured, and nine were murdered, with 92.8% of the victims being women.

However, this data does not show the entire picture, as it is limited in scope and reach. To improve the data, UNFPA and the National Police Agency, with co-financing by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, are launching the new Electronic Gender-Based Violence integrated database system, also known as eGBV.

The vision of the eGBV database system is to improve the administrative statistics and promote easier identification of GBV perpetrators. The evidence is generated for the enforcement of the Law on Combating Domestic Violence and will hold the perpetrators accountable for their criminal offenses.

The eGBV database has three essential data sources:

·      The 102 Emergency Call System;

·      A web-based registration system; and

·      The internal database system at the police shelter.

“The database system is now centralized at the National Police Agency connecting and collecting data from all police stations, in every aimag,” said Naomi Kitahara, UN Population Fund Representative. “The system also connects all of the one-stop service centers and shelters for victims of violence and it is in 2018 plan to also integrate to eGBV administrative data from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.”

The one-stop service centers play a critical in providing all necessary services such as psycho-social, health, and protection all under one roof. In 2017, one-stop service centers reported serving 2,077 victims/survivors, and 207 cases were handled by the multidisciplinary teams.

The eGBV system enables the NPA to better analyse the GBV reported cases, and also by cross-checking it with the NSO’s GBV survey, it becomes possible to assess the extent of under-reporting of GBV cases in the country. The eGBV database system also helps to track and record the perpetrators, providing a strong foundation for evidence- based policymaking.


For media inquiries please contact Tim Jenkins, Partnerships and Communications Officer, UNFPA. Mongolia Tel: (976) 8011 0366, Email: jenkins@unfpa.org.

UNFPA is the UN agency delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA Mongolia is currently implementing the 6th Country Programme 2017-2021, closely in line with the United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Mongolia. Visit: www.mongolia.unfpa.org