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UN Population Fund and the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia sign partnership agreement

UN Population Fund and the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia sign partnership agreement

Press Release

UN Population Fund and the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia sign partnership agreement

calendar_today 15 September 2017

UN Population Fund and the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia sign partnership agreement

Friday, 15 September 2017, 10:00 a.m.

ULAANBAATAR – Recent data collected on the implementation of human rights recommendations and treaties, reveals that Mongolia has so far taken actions on 14% of all accepted Universal Periodic Review recommendations relevant to sexual and reproductive health and rights and violence against women and girls.  

As protecting and ad
vancing human rights is essential for the equitable development of Mongolia and its people, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRC) have agreed to sign a Partnership Agreement.

“Mongolia has made great progress in enacting laws and policies protecting women’s rights and sexual and reproductive health and rights. Despite this progress, there has been inconsistency in the enforcement and implementation of these laws and policies,” explained UNFPA Representative, Naomi Kitahara.

The collaboration between these two organizations aims to track the implementation of human rights recommendations and strengthen the accountability mechanisms for the national protections systems, with specific focus given to sexual and reproductive health and rights and ending violence against women and girls.

Essential to the advancement of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and prevent and effectively respond to violence against women and girls in the country, the new partnerships arrangement between UNFPA and the National Human Rights Commission will support the national protections systems to deliver on Mongolia’s international obligations, including the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

Ms. Kitahara further elaborated that, “Human rights are essential for all people, and human rights must be protected, respected and fulfilled for everyone: for men and women, for people who are married and those who are not, and for people of all ages, regardless of their status or identity.”

The two organizations will work together throughout UNFPA’s current and 6th Country Programme (2017-2021).