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Gender-based violence service providers share good practices and challenges during study tour

Gender-based violence service providers share good practices and challenges during study tour


Gender-based violence service providers share good practices and challenges during study tour

calendar_today 11 August 2022

Gender-based violence service providers share good practices and challenges during study tour
Gender-based violence service providers share good practices and challenges during study tour

With support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, UNFPA Mongolia organised a Local Study Tour in Darkhan-Uul and Khuvsgul provinces from 4-10 August 2022 for the staff of One Stop Service Centre (OSSC)s and shelters for survivors of gender-based violence operating throughout the country.

Some 51 participants from 17 provincial and five districts OSSCs/shelters, National Centre Against Violence NGO, Trauma Hospital, Forensic Hospital, and the Ulaanbaatar Metropolitan Police Department attended the study tour.

The Darkhan-Uul, Khuvsgul and Zavkhan OSSCs shared good practices and challenges, and held sessions on critical issues related to the service provision to survivors.

The sessions included presentations by the National Police Agency on the eGBV database, UNFPA on key concepts of gender and gender-based violence issues and the UN principles on prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and Family, Children and Youth Development Agency on the etuslamj service database, the National Centre Against Violence NGO on effective cooperation with local multidisciplinary teams, referral services and stress management.

The participants of the study tour were provided with an opportunity to openly share good practices and discuss challenges and possible solutions, as well as a chance to interact with each other and build a network.